Travel Baseball
All new or current players will only need to attend one tryout session. It is 100% your choice if you would like to attend both tryout dates.
BGRA Bearcats manages travel teams across ages U8 – U13.
The Bearcats are a full-time travel club designed for an elevated level of competition.
Further details are found on the Bearcats page. If you have any questions please contact Russ Goldstein – travel@bgrabaseball.org
BGRA also manages a travel program, the Bruins, for High School age players U14 to U17. The Bruins are a full time travel club designed for an elevated level of competition.
Further details can be found on the Bruins page. If you have any questions please contact Nate Alvarado – bruins@bgrabaseball.org
OFFERS (NEW FOR THIS YEAR) – Starting with last year, we made some offers to players after the first tryout. We will again do that this year. Additionally, we will be ending tryouts this year, and extending offers to players prior to the ending of this year’s seasons in most cases. It is feasible that you will know where you land for 2025 before you are finished with the 2024 season.
This is not something we chose to do lightly. We realize this may cause some anxiety or possibly some hurt feelings. This is not at all our intention. This is a very carefully thought through response to the current landscape of youth travel baseball in our area. Unfortunately, several competing clubs in our area have for years been offering players in our club spots much earlier than we do, and telling them they “must” make a decision right then and there. This is not at all how we think you should be treated, but if we do nothing we will lose players that want to stay right here in Buffalo Grove.
Please just know we will do our very best to do things the right way and be as transparent as possible. If you do not get a call or invite right away, please know we will leave plenty of room on every team for all players that try out on either day, to have a fair and equal shot at making your team.